Devin Miller

Devin Miller is a queer, genderqueer cyborg and lifelong denizen of Seattle, with a love of muddy beaches to show for it. Their short fiction has appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies and Metaphorosis; previous poetry can be found in Mermaids Monthly and The Future Fire, and on select King County Metro bus terminals. You can find Devin and their cat on Twitter @devzmiller.

Anuja Mitra

Anuja Mitra lives in New Zealand. Her strange, sometimes surreal poems have been published in journals including Poetry New Zealand, takahē, Sweet Mammalian and Starling, while her stories with a speculative slant have appeared in Lamplight and the anthology Year's Best Aotearoa New Zealand Science Fiction and Fantasy. In her spare time, she enjoys patting her cats and browsing indie bookstores for beautiful editions of books she already owns. Her Twitter and linktree can be found @anuja_m9.

Archita Mittra

Archita Mittra (she/they) is a writer, editor, and artist. Her poetry has been published in Thought Catalog, Star*Line, Eye to the Telescope, Mithila Review, and others, while her fiction and non-fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in, Locus Magazine, Lightspeed, Strange Horizons, and The Portalist, among others. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart and best of the net prizes and long-listed for the Toto Award. She lives in Kolkata, India with her family and rabbits, and may be found haunting Twitter and Instagram @architamittra.

Elis Montgomery

Elis Montgomery is a speculative fiction writer from Vancouver, Canada. She is a member of SFWA and Codex. When she’s not writing, she’s usually hanging upside down in an aerial arts class or a murky cave. Find her there or at

Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan was born in London, but not in any of the interesting parts. He moved to Japan at the age of 30 and lived there for many years. Nowadays, he's based in Iowa, and enjoys family life with his wife and two young children. If you like his writing, be sure to check out his website.

Tiffany Morris

Tiffany Morris is a Mi'kmaw/settler writer of speculative fiction and poetry from Kjipuktuk (Halifax), Nova Scotia. She is the author of the horror poetry collection Elegies of Rotting Stars (Nictitating Books, 2022). Her work has appeared in Nightmare Magazine, Uncanny Magazine, and Apex Magazine, among others, and has been nominated for Aurora, Elgin, and Rhysling Awards. Find her online at or on twitter @tiffmorris.

Timothy Mudie

Timothy Mudie is a speculative fiction writer and an editor of all sorts of genres. His fiction has appeared in various magazines, anthologies, and podcasts, including Lightspeed, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Podcastle, and Wastelands: The New Apocalypse. One of his stories appeared on the podcast LeVar Burton Reads, and another was named a Notable Story in Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy 2024. He lives outside of Boston with his wife and two sons. Find him online at

Mari Ness

Mari Ness is the author of Through Immortal Shadows Singing, Resistance and Transformation: On Fairy Tales, Dancing in Silver Lands, and, most recently, Let me tell you of that garden, a mini chapbook available from Sword and Kettle Press. Other work appears in, Clarkesworld, Uncanny, Lightspeed, Nightmare, Apex, Baffling, Reckoning, Strange Horizons, and multiple other zines and anthologies. More information can be found on an infrequently updated webpage,, or on Bluesky Mari lives in central Florida.

Russell Nichols

Russell Nichols is a speculative fiction writer and endangered journalist. Raised in Richmond, California, he gave up all his stuff in 2011 and now lives out of a backpack with his wife, vagabonding around the world ever since. Look for him at

Christi Nogle

Christi Nogle's debut novel, Beulah, was published in January 2022 by Cemetery Gates Media. Her short stories have appeared in over fifty publications, including PseudoPod, Vastarien, and Dark Matter Magazine, along with anthologies such as C.M Muller's Nightscript and Flame Tree's American Gothic. Christi is a member of the Horror Writers Association, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, and Codex Writers' Group. She lives in Boise, Idaho, with her partner Jim and their gorgeous dogs. Follow her at or on Twitter @christinogle.