A.J. Van Belle

A.J. Van Belle is a nonbinary/transmasculine writer and scientist, living on Vancouver Island with their husband and two dogs. Their poetry has been nominated for Best of the Net, and their short fiction and essays have appeared in journals and anthologies from 2004 to the present. They currently write full-time and serve as a literary agent intern at the Booker Albert Agency. A biologist, they draw on their science background to inform the world building in their work. Lauren Bieker of FinePrint Literary represents their novels.

Dana Vickerson

Dana Vickerson can be found in the concrete confines of Dallas, though she’s most comfortable deep in the woods where she loves to sit and listen to the symphony of nature. When not crafting buildings, writing stories, or painting weird 3D-printed sculptures, Dana can be found analyzing horror movies with her husband or making elaborate paper dolls for her daughters. She’s a slush reader for Apex Magazine and an active member of HWA and SFWA. Her short fiction appears in Zooscape, Reckoning, Dark Matter Magazine, and many other places. You can find her on Twitter @dmvickerson.

Dawn Vogel

Dawn Vogel writes across many sub-genres of speculative fiction, depending on what mood strikes her. By day, she edits reports for historians and archaeologists. In her alleged spare time, she runs a craft business, co-runs a small press, and tries to find time for writing. Her steampunk adventure series, Brass and Glass, is available from DefCon One Publishing. She is a member of Broad Universe, SFWA, and Codex Writers. She lives in Seattle with her husband, author Jeremy Zimmerman, and their herd of cats. Visit her at

Erin K. Wagner

Erin K. Wagner is a professor by trade, a medievalist by discipline, and a writer of speculative fiction by design.

She lives in upstate New York, a storied and story-making place, but her roots are in Appalachia, planted in rural southeast Ohio. Presently, she teaches an array of literature and composition courses in the SUNY system as an associate professor.

Her fiction is interested in examining how humans explain the inexplicable, and her writing has appeared in a number of magazines, including Apex, Clarkesworld, and Nightmare. Her second novella, An Unnatural Life, was released by, and her short story collection is forthcoming from Aqueduct Press. She is an active member of SFWA. Her website is

KT Wagner

KT Wagner writes short speculative fiction, loves to knit and is a collector of strange plants, weird trivia and obscure tomes. Her work is published and podcast with Pulp Literature, Cloud Lake Literary, Sylvia Magazine, Neo-opsis, Cosmic Horror Monthly, Toasted Cake and more. KT graduated from Simon Fraser University's Writers Studio in 2015 (Southbank 2013). She organizes writer events and works to create literary community. KT can be found online at and @KT_Wagner.

Melissa A Watkins

Watkins is a writer now, but used to be a teacher, a singer, an actress, and a very bad translator (thankfully, not all at the same time). Her short stories have previously appeared in midnight & indigo, khoreo, Fantasy Magazine and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. After fifteen years of living in Europe and Asia, she's now based in Boston, where she reads too much and rants about it at

Bree Wernicke

Bree Wernicke is an actor and speculative fiction writer living in Los Angeles. Her short stories and poetry have appeared in Fusion Fragment, Strange Horizons, Baffling, and MetaStellar, among others. When not writing, she invents languages for fun.

Marcus Whalbring

Marcus Whalbring is the author of A Concert of Rivers from Milk & Cake Press, as well as How to Draw Fire from Finishing Line Press and Just Flowers from Crooked Steeple Press. A graduate of the MFA program at Miami University, his poems and stories have appeared or are forthcoming in, Strange Horizons, Space & Time, Illumen, The Dread Machine, Abyss & Apex, Spaceports and Spidersilk, Cortland Review, Pittsburgh Quarterly, Spry, and Underwood Press, among others. He’s a high school teacher, a father, and a husband. You can connect with him via twitter at @marcuswhalbring and learn more about his work.

Rin Willis

Rin Willis (she/they) is a writer and artist living in sunny Southern California with her husband and goofy cat. She has been nominated for a Pushcart, and her poetry and short stories have appeared in Strange Horizons, The Molotov Cocktail, and Corvid Queen. She loves dark chocolate and coffee, and if a genie offered her one wish, she'd ask for a personal chef. Come say hi to her on twitter @Indigo_Summers.

Valo Wing

Valo Wing (they/them) is a professional funeral singer who writes about unapologetically unhinged lesbians with velvet blazer obsessions. They are a Pitch Wars 2021 alum and Futurescapes Writers’ Workshop 2022 graduate. Their short fiction is published in Dread Stone Press and forthcoming from Brigids Gate Press. You can find them on Twitter @valo_wing.