John Wiswell

John Wiswell is a disabled author who lives where New York keeps all its trees. His fiction has won the Nebula for Best Short Story and Locus for Best Novelette, and has been translated into ten languages. His debut novel, SOMEONE YOU CAN BUILD A NEST IN, was published by DAW Books on April 2, 2024. He wishes all wizards to get more rest.

Kevin Martens Wong

Kevin Martens Wong is the gay, non-binary Kabesa (Leader) of the Kristang / Portuguese-Eurasian community in the Republic of Singapore, and the Omimerliang (Merlionsman) and Tigrisoneru (Dreamtiger) of Pulau Ujong: a living human magnamakara or psychoemotional gate guardian supporting the psychoemotional well-being of all peoples regardless of race, language, religion or sexuality as an independent scholar, teacher and speculative fiction writer. He is the developer of the Osura Pesuasang, the Kristang theory of human individuation collected in the Libru Laranja or Orange Book (, and publishes new plays, poetry and prose in English and Kristang at Tigri sa Chang (

G.E. Woods

G.E. Woods (they/she) first ran into the arms of horror as a 5-year-old working in haunted houses. Queer, nonbinary, and invisibly disabled, they are a poet, dancer, and writes SFF/H and memoir. She is a 2023 Rhysling Finalist and has work published in STRANGE HORIZONS, YOUR BODY IS NOT YOUR BODY, and MOONFLOWERS & NIGHTSHADE. She enjoys talking to the trees near their home. Find her at

Wen Yu Yang

Wen Yu Yang (she/her) is a writer born and raised in Taiwan. She is based on unceded Eora lands, otherwise known as Sydney, Australia. Her words are published or forthcoming in Fantasy Magazine, Solarpunk Magazine, Ghost City Review, and more. When she is not training for volleyball, reading, or falling into another rabbit hole, she daydreams about lost gods, shapeshifting beings, and other worlds. You can connect with her on Instagram @_wyyang or Twitter @wyyang_. Details at

Thomas Zimmerman

Thomas Zimmerman (he/him) teaches English, directs the Writing Center, and edits The Big Windows Review at Washtenaw Community College, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. His poems have appeared recently in Sledgehammer, The Sparrow’s Trombone, and Spellbinder. Find him at @bwr_tom.

Elizabeth Zuckerman

Elizabeth Zuckerman has loved mythology since before she knew how to pronounce “Aphrodite.” Her fiction has appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, NonBinary Review, Timeless Tales Magazine, TANSTAAFL’s anthology Witches, Warriors, and Wyverns, and Footnote, where she was long-listed for the Charter Oak Award. She also read the audiobook for Kassandra Flamouri’s The Chalice and the Crown, in case you wondered what good her theater degree ever did her. She lives in Philadelphia with a charming trickster, makes doll clothes when she needs something to do with her hands, and occasionally livetweets movies at @LizCanTweet.

Miriam Allen deFord

Miriam Allen deFord (August 21, 1888 – February 22, 1975) was a novelist and short fiction writer with works published in Analog, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Galaxy Science Fiction, and many others. A women's suffrage and birth control activist, she later became a follower of Charles Fort, dedicating herself to the study of paranormal phenomena.

Sonya Dorman

Sonya Dorman (April 6, 1924 – February 14, 2005) was a Rhysling award-winning poet and short fiction writer most well known for the poem "Corruption of Metal." Her work has also appeared in the anthology Dangerous Visions, edited by Harlan Ellison.

T.D. Hamm

T. D. Hamm (1905 – 1995) was a science fiction writer with stories published in If, Tomorrow's Universe, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and several others.

Katherine MacLean

Katherine MacLean (January 22, 1925 – September 1, 2019) was a Nebula award-winning science fiction author best known for her novella The Missing Man, first published in Analog in 1971. She is one of only 14 people honored as an Author Emeritus by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.