Kimberly Christensen

Kimberly lives, writes, waves protest signs, and keeps bees in Seattle with her husband, two children and an assortment of animal companions. She cosplays General Organa and loves any story where smart and ethical defeat evil.

Emmie Christie

Emmie Christie’s work includes practical subjects, like feminism and mental health, and speculative subjects, like unicorns and affordable healthcare. Her portal fantasy novel A Caged and Restless Magic debuted February 2024. She has been published in Daily Science Fiction, Infinite Worlds Magazine, and Flash Fiction Online, among others. She also narrates audiobooks for Audible and loves bringing stories to life out loud as well as on the page. Find her at, her monthly newsletter, or on TikTok.

Danai Christopoulou

Danai Christopoulou is a queer Greek SFF author and editor. Danai’s nonfiction has appeared in publications such as Glamour and Marie Claire since 2004. They are an editor for Hugo-nominated khōréō magazine, an assistant editor for HavenSpec, and a literary agent in training at Tobias Literary Agency. Their short fiction has been published in khōréō, Fusion Fragment and others, nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and featured in the official Nebula Reading List. Danai’s novels are represented by Lauren Bieker of FinePrint Literary.

P.A. Cornell

P.A. Cornell is a Chilean-Canadian speculative fiction writer who penned her first science-fiction story as a third-grade assignment (for those curious, it was about shape-shifting aliens). A member of SFWA and graduate of the Odyssey writing workshop, her short fiction has appeared in several professional anthologies and genre magazines. Her novella Lost Cargo is forthcoming from Mocha Memoirs Press. A complete bibliography can be found at

Brandon Crilly

An Ottawa teacher by day, Brandon Crilly has been previously published by Daily Science Fiction, Fusion Fragment, PULP Literature, Flame Tree Publishing and other markets. In 2021, he co-founded Bag of Giving, a monthly Twitch series where authors play TTRPGs for charity. He’s also an Aurora Award-nominated podcaster, conference organizer for Can*Con, and regularly has too many D&D campaign ideas than he could ever fit into his schedule. His debut novel Catalyst will be published by Atthis Arts in Fall 2022. Find him at or on Twitter @B_Crilly.

Jennifer Crow

Shy and nocturnal, Jennifer Crow has never been photographed in the wild, but it's rumored that she lives near a waterfall in western New York. Her work has appeared in a number of print and electronic venues, including Uncanny Magazine, Asimov's Science Fiction, The Wondrous Real and Analog Science Fiction. Curious readers can catch up with her on Twitter @writerjencrow.

Madalena Daleziou

Madalena Daleziou is a pushcart-nominated Greek author living in Glasgow, where she studied an MLitt in fantasy literature. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Lucent Dreaming, The Deadlands, and the other side of hope, and she is currently seeking representation for her neo-Victorian fantasy novel. She can most often be found in a bookshop or behind a keyboard writing stories with too many ghosts. Follow her on Twitter at @LBooklott.

Karl Dandenell

Karl Dandenell is a graduate of Viable Paradise and a Full Member of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association. He and his family, plus their cat overlords, live on an island near San Francisco famous for its Victorian architecture and low speed limits. His preferred drinks are strong Swedish tea and single malt whiskey. Karl's work has appeared in such places as Fireside Fiction, Metaphorosis, DreamForge, Little Blue Marble, Speculative North, and the anthologies Abandoned Places and The Science Fiction Tarot. You can find links to his other work, including podcasts, on his website,

Lin Darrow

Lin Darrow's fiction, poetry and comics have appeared in anthologies by Air and Nothingness Press, Jessamine Press, Eerie River, Fortuna Media, Valour I and II, In Somnio and QueerSciFi. Her comic Shaderunners, about bootleggers in a greyscale world who steal bottled colour, has been published by Hiveworks since 2015, and a novella was published by Less Than Three Press (Pyre at the Eyreholme Press) in 2018 prior to its closure. She is a two-time Prism Award nominee whose work can be found @linkeepsitreal.

J.R. Dawson

Dawson (she*/they) is the author of The First Bright Thing (Tor), with shorter works in places such as F&SF, The Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018, and Lightspeed. She lives in Minnesota with a loving wife and three dogs. Her next book is coming soon from Tor, a sapphic ghost story set in Chicago where Lake Michigan is the River Styx. She is not good at puzzles.

insta: @jrdawsonwriter
twitter: @j_r_dawson