Black Bile

By Chinedu Gospel in Issue Seventeen, September 2024

the women |

they raise their voices      the way
fire raises smoke       & the rain answers

with a flood

Category 4

By West Ambrose in Issue Seventeen, September 2024

It’s alright, I wanted to tell her. This vicious nature
that wakes us up inside,
tells us we’re alive,
               forces us to not look away–

Epitaph of a World on Fire: An Abecedarian

By Jessica Peter in Issue Seventeen, September 2024

And if you remember just one thing,
Babe, remember this: there once were
Corals here. Living things in vibrant hues beneath our waters, not these
Dead husks fully slaughtered by the will of
Ego-driven billionaires chasing profit over people,

Meat, Bone, and Soul

By Beth Cato in Issue Seventeen, September 2024

I will not
be your princess
no matter how you layer me
in silks and pearls
no matter the finery of your tailors
these gowns will never fit
this strange body that binds my soul

Somewhere in Nigeria

By AbdulBasit Oluwanishola in Issue Seventeen, September 2024

Somewhere in Nigeria: in Lokoja, Lagos,
Somewhere in Abia, Adamawa, Anambra,
some houses have become dams.
People have become Hagfish.
Roads have turned to rivers.

You must wear your rue with a difference

By Marisca Pichette in Issue Sixteen, July 2024

she makes a pond
in petals pluck’d (forget-me-)
planted in the upturn’d dirt
of graves.

her arms all dark,
disinterred bone dust (dancing girls)
her lungs weigh’d down
with growing things.

Ever Noir

By Mari Ness in Issue Sixteen, July 2024

They slink in, hats drawn
low against their faces.
                                        I hear
                    you find things out. I hear
                    you're willing to do things
                    for cold hard cash. I hear
                    you know something of poisons.


By H.B. Asari in Issue Sixteen, July 2024

We start first with the honeycombs
as babies, slipping whole past
our gummy mouths and tiny throats.
The sepsis is our insides preparing us
for the life ahead.


By Eva Papasoulioti in Issue Sixteen, July 2024

We mooned our heart in orbit,
illuminated our paths with orchids
blooming in the dark, fertilized
with the fate of our star. If the sun
were the source of all life, our moon is
its soul, a new world curled around the old,
words of protection, a silver shine
of direction.

They Named Me Diana

By Emmie Christie in Issue Fifteen, May 2024

They named me Diana,
they vilify me on their news reports,
they say that I’m insane, a category five
of wind and spinning rain, and they’re right